
ACE™testsocketsofferoptimalRFperformanceforfinepitchFBGA,QFNandwafer-levelpackagesforPowerAmplifiers,RFswitchesandmobilecommunications.,AutomotiveandPowerTestSockets/Contactors/ProbeHeadsformobileelectronics,lightingandautomotivesemiconductordevices.,At3.22mmtestheight,theGemini™Kelvintestcontactorisanexcellentall-aroundspringprobewithlowinductance,highbandwidth,andexcellentcurrent- ...,Coaxia...

ACE Test Sockets Probe Head

ACE™ test sockets offer optimal RF performance for fine pitch FBGA, QFN and wafer-level packages for Power Amplifiers, RF switches and mobile communications.

Automotive and Power Test Sockets Probe Heads

Automotive and Power Test Sockets / Contactors / Probe Heads for mobile electronics, lighting and automotive semiconductor devices.

Gemini Kelvin Test Contactor (Socket) Probe Head (Pins)

At 3.22 mm test height, the Gemini™ Kelvin test contactor is an excellent all-around spring probe with low inductance, high bandwidth, and excellent current- ...

ICON Coaxial Test Contactor (Socket)

Coaxial test contactor (socket) for testing high end digital applications to 60 Gbps. Designed specifically for maintaining the native impedance of the DUT.

Interface Solutions

Cohu is the market leader in semiconductor test sockets and has 50+ years of semiconductor test expertise providing optimal test contactor and probe pin ...

Interface Solutions

Cohu has 50+ years of semiconductor test expertise providing optimal test contactor and probe pin solutions for every type of application and challenge.

Mobility Test Contactors (Sockets) Probe Heads

Test sockets contactors / probe heads enabling the explosive growth in data traffic and processing in mobility semiconductor devices.

Test Sockets Probe Heads for RF

ACE Test Contactor offers optimal RF performance for fine pitch FBGA, QFN and wafer-level packages for Power Amplifiers, RF switches and mobile communications.


Cohu QuadTech ™ Test Contactors offers a variety of technologies for wafer-level testing. The same test head equipped with a guide and a “Manual Actuator” can ...